If your loved one has been arrested, a bail bond is the typical route to free the person from jail. While you have options to post bail on the phone or online, you could also go directly to the bail bond company.
You will find several advantages to paying the bail bond and going through the process in person. Learn about why you should go to the bail bonds office.
1. Close Location to Jail
One of the main benefits of visiting the bail bond company is their close locations to jails and courthouses. You will have a central location where you can go to wait until your loved one is released. You do not need to sit around a parking lot or linger at the jailhouse.
The close location also means the bail bond company will help your loved one get released faster. You do not have to wait extra time for transportation or transfer services. Also, you do not have to go to the jail itself to pick up your loved one. Complete everything right at the bail bond company.
Being there in person for your loved one will go a long way to show the support your loved one needs.
2. Open Hours
Many bail bond companies are open 24 hours a day to help process bail payments. A loved one could get arrested at any point of the day. If they have been arrested, you do not have to wait for a bail bond company to open up. You can stop in at any point and wait out the time until the full bail is processed.
The bail bond location will have a waiting room, so you can go through the process and answer any questions they have. You do not have to play phone tag, worry about phone service, or deal with other miscommunications that could occur if you were not there in person.
Plus, employees are there to answer all of your questions and provide you with directions on how to proceed with the complete bail bond process.
3. Payment Options
When you go to a bail bond company in person, you have several other payment options. If you are on the phone, payments are often limited to a debit or credit card. An in-person visit allows you to expand your options to cash and checks. You also have more methods to split your payments.
For example, you could pay for half of the bail bond with cash and the other half using a personal check. You will have a lot more options to split up the payments and lessen the burden on a credit card or single account. Bail bond companies will go above and beyond to help figure out the payments and ensure your loved one gets released.
The payments will come with a detailed invoice so you know exactly what you paid for and what payments you used.
4. Extra Services
As you wait for a loved one to get released from jail, bail bond companies offer extra services to help with the process and pass the time. For example, copy machines will provide you with copies of paperwork, receipts, and agreements to ensure you have everything all in order. You do not need to rely on your own printer.
Wi-Fi connections will help you connect online to access bank accounts and inmate information. In some cases, you may seek out a new credit card to help pay the bail bond. The Wi-Fi connection will help you apply for the card and printing services will help you print out the new card number and information to process a payment.
For more information on our bail bond service and process, contact us at A-Action Bail Bonds. We will answer any questions you have and guide you through each step to help your loved one have a smooth release from jail.
Phone: 210-226-5487
Toll Free: 800-221-0931
Address: 1126 W Commerce St. San Antonio, TX 78207
Business Hours: 24/7 Service
Financial Arrangements Available, Collateral Not Required on Most Bonds